Useful Thai Phrases

July 27, 2017.
Tags: Thai, Language, Tips

Travelling to Thailand can be one of the most amazing experiences in a lifetime, but as with any foreign culture, it doesn’t come without its difficulties. The most obvious one being the language barrier. Knowing the local language can be very helpful, as not all Thai people are acquainted with the English language nor your own. Prior to your holidays, it’s important to look up some useful trivia, such as manners and short phrases to use. Especially if you stay in local area such as Patong, Phuket.

We want to give you a list of relevant phrases to make your holiday more enjoyable and spare you unnecessary headache.


Adding “Krub” (Male form) or “Kah” (Female form) to the end of the sentence is a sign of politeness. It’s commonly used in a formal setting and you’ll hear it a lot during Thai conversation, such as on the radio, or on a TV show. It’s good to get in the habit of adapting this early on.

R and L

In Thai language, you’ll find many sentences ending with “Rai”, but oftentimes the ‘R’ in that sentence sounds more like an ‘L’ or disappears altogether.

Sawatdee (krub/kah) = Hello

Khop Khun (krub/kah) = Thank you

La Gorn (krub/kah) = Goodbye!

Chai = Yes

Mai Chai = No

Mai Pen Rai = Never Mind

Dii = Good

Pood Thai Mai Dai = I can not speak Thai

Mai Kow Jai = I don’t understand

Khor Thoad (krub/kah) = Sorry / Excuse me

Mak = Very / Much

Narak = Cute

Suay = Beautiful

Chok Dee = Good Luck

Mai Phet = Not Spicy

Phet Nit Noi = A little bit Spicy

Aroi = Delicious

Aroi mak = Very Delicious

Bia = Beer

Naam = Water

Naam Keng = Ice

Geb Dtang = Check, please!

Thai Numbers

Neung = One

Song = Two

Sam = Three

Si = Four

Ha = Five

Nee Tao Rai = How Much?

Nee a Rai = What Is This?

Haawng Naam Yuu Thee Nai = Where is the restroom?

Tee nee Tee Nai = Where is This Place?

Ja Pai ____ Dai Yang Nghai = How to go to ____?

Ra Ka Tao Rai = How much does it cost?

Paeng mak (krub/kah) = That’s expensive!

Lot Not Dai Mai = Can I have a Discount?

These are a few helpful sentences to memorize as soon as possible. You will surely not pronounce them correctly right away, but don’t worry, Thai locals will certainly appreciate the effort. All in all, it’s always good to show that you have a decent knowledge about the Thai culture and are not just another tourist wondering why everything is so different.

We advise you to look up some useful guides on the internet to help you with the pronunciation of each sentence and find out more about what there is to know about the Thai language and culture. Your next vacation at Patong studio apartments will be much more convenient and a new experience.